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Chalk "I LOVE YOU"
Parents Civil Rights Action for a Meeting with
Senator Charles Schumer & Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Syracuse, New York

FIRST TIME HERE? - background for this event.

A detailed log of activity follows below. Most current information will be at the top.

Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) 315-423-5471
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) 315-448-0470

Our goal is a face-to-face meeting. (Here is our proposed Agenda)

John Murtari has been coordinating this effort. Please send him an email if you can help, jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org.

2018 - To succeed in getting media attention we need more parents to call/visit their offices.   Also need a Mom & Dad willing to chalk "I LOVE YOU." Currently, we have one other father, Jack Frost (aka Capt. America) who is ready. We need a mom to join the effort. A group of three parents would make a powerful statement! Contact John Murtari if interested.

June 2017 - Visited with aides for Senator Schumer & Gillibrand at the Syracuse Federal Building. . Talked to them about the need to recognize & protect Family Rights. Left them a package of material including photos & letters from parents.

Couldn't even get political support for → “When a child is born, both biological parents have a right to know.” Senator Gillibrand’s aide thought I had a point and something to consider. Senator Schumer’s aide felt it was the mother’s decision to let a father know he had a child.

6/30/14 - I was represented by Mr. Charles Keller, an experienced trial lawyer who had represented me very well in past incidents. An agreement was made the trespass charge would be dismissed in exchange for 20 hours of community service (which I will perform locally at the Wayne County Humane Association).

6/20/14 - We certainly attracted some attention with Capt. America present. We again got to speak with Senate staff members, but it would have been more effective if we'd had a few more people present.

6/15/14 - Just a few days to go. If you plan on attending, please send John a message we plan on having lunch together before the event starts at 1 PM.

Court last week for my arraignment on trespass for our event before Mother's Day. I stood in front of the Federal Building (local offices of Senators Schumer & Gillibrand) after writing "I LOVE YOU" to my son on the ground. I wondered? Is this worth doing? I hope some of will join me as I stand outside again this Friday, June 20th.

In these messages talks about being 'good' and having 'faith'. I took a hard look in the mirror myself and things looked a little cloudy.... read more...

6/5/14 - John was arraigned on the trespass charges in Syracuse City Court by Judge Rosenthal. He was given the documentation for the charge of trespass. The next court date is set for June 30th. The next event is planned for Friday, June 20th, and we hope to see more parents there!

If you look at the docs the complaint description is a little confusing. There is no 'permit' required to quietly stand in front of the building...
5/9/14 - There were two other mothers at the event, Katherine Neville and also her daughter. They visited the staff offices for Senator Schumer and Gillibrand. Click on images below for larger picture and also check twitter for other photos and some messages:
John took the risk to emphasize the terrible injustices and pain caused by our current family law systems. Building security took all his chalk away after he wrote "I LOVE YOU" on the ground. A while later he was told to leave the property, he politely refused and was still holding a picture of parents & children. He was arrested by Syracuse City Police, but fortunately just charged with simple trespass (a violation in NY), and given an appearance ticket for Syracuse City Court, June 5th, and released -- much to his relief.

5/7/14 - News release sent out to local media.

12/12/13 - Meeting at Syracuse Federal Building. Met with the staffs of both Senators and gave them a package of material on Family Rights.

Gillibrand's staff member told us he'd worked in the office for over a year. We were the first people to call/visit on the topic of protecting Family Rights. Schumer's staff member had been in position for over two years, again, no visitors/calls on Family Rights, but had gotten several contacts from parents going through Family Court and looking for help. Those requests were referred locally to state officials. We were told simply having people call the Washington and mention Family Rights will get the item tracked. They also recommend 'old-fashioned' signed paper petitions -- a stack of signatures arriving in Washington makes a big impact!

Who showed up in Syracuse? John Murtari, Group Coordinator, and two parents from Canada! Sandy Scarvino & Robert Samery (both members of the Parental Alienation Organization (PAAO),

11/6/13 - A letter is sent to both Senators Schumer & Gillibrand requesting action on Family Rights and requesting a meeting with local staff.