Federal Trail (Oct 29) - Why we do what we do.
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@akidsright.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith, I wanted to take a moment to update you on what has been happening in Syracuse and our efforts for serious reform. It's been a very busy month both for the "cause" and for my home and work. Federal Trial Next Week ----------------------- In the past several years I have been arrested about 30 times in our efforts to reform the system through NonViolent Action. Up until the last few months, every one of those charges was dismissed and my "record" remained clean. That has changed (and I guess I'm surprised my run of success lasted as long as it did!). I'm fortunate the charges are relatively minor (equivalent to a traffic violation), and even a conviction won't result in a "criminal" record. But the Judge can impose a $50 fine and/or 30 days in jail (which don't seem real equivalent?). Sometimes we "loose the forest for the trees." As I approach trial some well intentioned people have told me I should stall for time, or make a "plea bargain." Remember (and sometimes I have to remind myself), the goal of this was never to establish the "right to walk outside the office of your Member of Congress with a picture of your child inside a US Federal Building." I agree, it represents some interesting legal issues (and you can read the motion submitted by my attorney at the site, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr/federal_trial.htm), but our point is to demonstrate our love for our children and our willingness to make personal sacrifice in the name of reform. Life Goes On ------------ After the Newspaper stories ran, several local people called me on the phone to relate their experiences. Joy called for her husband Jerry who has already done 6 months in jail for falling behind in child support. He is being pulled into Court again in about 15 days and the Judge already told him to be ready for Jail unless he can start making the payments. They don't have the money to raise their own two kids right now.... and of course, Jerry doesn't have the money and doesn't get to see the kids at all -- but that is not the issue. Catherine called to tell me how she is losing contact with her two daughters after a divorce. Her former spouse has been successful in "getting the kids" and was also allowed to move about 60 miles away. Catherine had a female Judge tell her, "I don't want to inconvenience Mr. X, by having him drive the kids to see you on your weekends ... you need to pick them up..." Oh, and she is getting support pulled out of her paycheck and can just afford to live in a studio apartment (that is all she can afford), she and the kids sleep on the floor during her "visitation time." Her former spouse doesn't approve of that! The saddest story was Susan, had two kids taken by Social Services when an "allegation" was made of abuse because her two year old son, while sick, had lost some weight. The charges were dismissed (she has never been found guilty of anything), but she could never accomplish enough "programs" to convince social services to get her children back. The saddest part, she just gave birth and social services was there to take the child at the hospital -- just in case! They even convinced her to give up her parental rights voluntarily to her children. How? They told her that if you don't voluntarily give them away we'll make sure you never have contact with them (because we all know your rights are going to be terminated by the Court). So at least we'll let you write them and get pictures! Boy....I felt so bad for each of these people. All from my little rural Wayne county in New York. They asked if I could mail them something. I told them all to sign up for our mailing list, or check the web site. None of them could afford a computer at home. I asked them to write their story briefly for Senator Clinton, mail it to me, and I would personally deliver it at the Syracuse office. We'll see what happens. Susan's story really hit home, it kept me in perspective. I just found out (like many of you), that my former spouse was going to unilaterally reduce me Christmas Vacation time with Domenic from about 11 days to 7. Not much I can really do right now. But I am ever so thankful that Dom and I have a strong relationship. Susan will never get that chance... She told me how here little two year old boy would cry and always want to come after her when her "visits" were over.... how was he to understand when even we can't? Why I/We do what I/We do? ------------------------ If I am found guilty at the Trial, I don't plan on paying any fine or accepting any type of "probation." To do that would represent some type of cooperation in my own punishment and make things "easier." Just simple jail will be fine for me. On November 4th I plan on going back to the building again -- and I will keep going back to walk outside Senator Clinton's office while I am free. The arrests could escalate and the charges become much more serious. Why do this? Because what is happening to parents and children is wrong. It is very, very wrong and needs to stop. We need to make the ability to parent our own children a clearly recognized and protected right. I/We don't plan on using name calling to achieve this, or taking aim with a rifle, or strapping explosives to myself and killing people for attention. Though many of these techniques seem to be in vogue these days? I/We hope to have enough Faith in a loving God and in our brothers and sisters that our willingness to sacrifice for the sake of our children will be enough to change how people think. I really, really, believe that. People like Susan and Jerry will have a chance soon to sit down with Senator Clinton and bring Family Reform to the National spotlight. Strength in Numbers ------------------- I know many of you and I have appreciated your kind words of support in the past (and hope they will continue). I also greatly appreciate those of you have drive out here to participate with me in some of these actions! But for all of us, we need more people to get involved. Make the trip to the Courthouse on Tuesday. Think about visiting the office of Senator Clinton on November 4th -- it would make things a lot easier for all of us. Don't come because your angry at whoever, but because you love your kids. You know, in the past I have always admitted that I'm not sure how I would respond to an email like this (actually, I'm pretty sure I would not have responded). Drive across the country to visit a guy who is about to be hammered by the system (I've got troubles enough of my own). But I have gotten to know many of you and I guess if I knew you were going to "make a stand" for reform and for all our kids, I'd try to be there with you (now I don't know if I would drive to California, but maybe at least to Washington or the Midwest.) Please, I don't mean to harangue you or make you feel guilty. I knew what I was getting into when all this started and I hope to have the Faith to see it all through. But I have to ask for your help. I don't have any doubt it will help and make things a lot easier. I am not a rock or an island. John Murtari jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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