Federal Trial Friday (Nov. 7) / Senator Clinton and Congressional Hearings
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@AKidsRight.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ====================================================================== Good People & People of Faith, I just wanted to give you a brief update on my upcoming trial. It is scheduled for this Friday (Nov 7th), at 10 AM in the Federal Court for the Northern District of New York, Hanley Federal Building, Syracuse, NY. You are certainly very welcome to attend! During the same visit you are also encouraged to stop by the offices of Senator Hillary R. Clinton (14th floor) and drop off your own personal letter asking her to help and to call for Congressional Hearings into reform. http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr Congressional Hearings ---------------------- Congressional Hearings are the first step in the process of us gaining "civil rights" protection for our right to nurture our own children and the right of our kids to be raised by TWO parents. Remember, we are NOT asking for more Federal or State interference in family life -- but the installation of protections to reduce unjustified interference. We need to make our "actions" correspond to the "words" we use. I see so much email every day about the tremendous wrongs being done to families and how our basic human rights are being trampled... But then it appears most of the focus is at the State/local level or in a Court Room. As if the State of Mississippi or a Federal Judge had the power to define your "right" of family. We should all remember that the rights we hold most dear: to freedom, religion, and speech were defined by the "people". Remember those words in our Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self evident..." The method our Founding Fathers installed for the definition and protection of those rights was the Congress of the United States. A place where the "will of the people" could be made manifest. Where our very Constitution could be modified. We all know how hard it is to "energize" parents to participate in the reform process. Let's try to remember that people are motivated not by small goals, but by BIG goals. And we have a very BIG goal: The formal protection of our rights to parent our own children, to be secure as family. Our Political "Clout" --------------------- Many people are frustrated and cynical about our inability to gain a personal meeting with Senator Hillary R. Clinton (THE person in Congress on Family Issues). If we had: 1) Several hundred thousand dollars to contribute -- we could get a personal meeting to discuss our issues. 2) Several hundred thousand people who were willing to walk on Washington -- we could get a meeting to discuss our issues. Unfortunately, we don't have either of the above -- yet. But it does not mean that our "cause" is not deserving of a personal meeting. We have to "act" in a way that says it is. I fall back again to the example of segregation in the South. The Blacks didn't have these items either -- but the campaign that was started of NonViolent Action by Martin Luther King helped all of America see them as human beings whose most basic rights were being violated. Their willingness to risk jail and be attacked by police (without striking back) -- broke through all the stereotypes people had. http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil_back.htm NonViolent Action ----------------- The group holds up the ideal that people willing to demonstrate: Faith, Love, and Personal Sacrifice can be the means of effective social change. More specifically, that Parents can promote reform by demonstrating: 1) Faith in a loving God, 2) Love for their children, former spouses, and other "brothers and sisters", and 3) Willingness to make Personal Sacrifice, NonViolent Action allows you to demonstrate through "unambiguous physical action" the depth of your Faith and belief in your "cause." It is a positive demonstration of love given at sometimes tremendous personal cost. Your Participation Welcome -------------------------- Again, as this "experiment" in NonViolent Action continues I am mindful of the need for public support and your support. I also understand how hard that is and how busy we all are. But I have no doubt that good things are going to happen. My Faith in a Loving God tells me that. There are times when war and combat are necessary -- this is not one of them. I act peacefully because the sacrifice I show for my child is my duty as a parent. I can't think of a more important National issue and Senator Clinton needs to sit down and talk with us and hear our experiences. It is more important than anything else -- the love I have for my Son, Domenic, tells me that. Best regards! John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kids Right to TWO parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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