[AKidsRight.Org] Murtari Jail Sentence / Share Your Family Experiences
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@akidsright.org)
This is a message from the AKidsRight.Org mailing list. Unsubscribe instructions at bottom of message. ======================================= Good People & People of Faith, This message contains info on: 1. Murtari in Jail - Details and Plans 2. Parent Database - Register and be counted! 3. Hall of Shame - Share your story. 1. Murtari in Jail - Details and Plans --------------------------------------- On Friday, September 24th, John Murtari was sentenced by U.S. Federal Magistrate DiBianco to four consecutive sentences of 11 days each. He should be released on November 5th. He had been found guilty of four counts of simple trespass. The actual NonViolent Action was quietly carrying a petition (including pictures of parents and children) outside the offices of Senator Hillary R. Clinton located on the 14th floor of the Syracuse Federal Building. For complete details and more background see http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ In a new twist, the U.S. Attorney requested and the Judge imposed a $500 fine (it is one more bit of debt for John; he is already thousands behind in support payments due to the relocation of his son and payments based on twice his level of income). The fine does send a powerful signal to any individual or group which may try to support John -- you will face financial sanction for your peaceful Civil Rights efforts. The Judge also said John could get out of jail early if he writes him a letter and promises to stop his activity. The activity will stop when Senator Clinton agrees to a personal meeting with parents unjustly separated from their kids due to divorce, separation, or child abuse allegations. If you can do one thing to help, please write to Senator Clinton and the other officials involved. There is complete contact information (mailing address and fax) at the end of this message. John also welcomes your letters and experiences. If you write John, please include your return address in your letter. The jail tears off return labels. His address is: John Murtari P.O. Box 518 Auburn, NY 13021 >From John: "I am very thankful to be released early in November. It will give me an opportunity to visit Dom out West in November and then have him here for Christmas Vacation." "I hope to resume NonViolent Action in early January and participation by other mothers and fathers would make all this a lot easier and probably spare my family and me the experience of more jail time." "The essential element we need to get a meeting with the Senator herself is positive media attention. One person is a 'crank', three people are a 'movement' and will get local newspaper and TV coverage. A reporter that will call the Senator's office and ask, 'These moms and dads are peaceful, they obviously love their kids and are concerned about Family Rights. They have risked jail to speak with you -- will you meet with them?' 2. Parent Database - Register and be counted! ----------------------------------------------- We have upgraded our registration system to allow you to share more detailed information about how you were separated from your children. As our reform effort moves forward, this database will provide information to people, academic researchers, legislative staff looking to speak with parents matching specific demographic information. A search would return the fact there are matching records -- but would not reveal your name or contact information. We would then release that information with your permission. If you would like to register and participate, please visit http://www.AKidsRight.Org/register The system is still new and we welcome your recommendation for added questions that would help describe what happened to you. If you had registered in the old system your information has been transferred to the new one. You can also make some limited information visible on our member support page, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/member.php4. It also allows you to include a link to a personal website or that of another group. 3. Hall of Shame - Share your story ------------------------------------ If you haven't paid a visit in a while, please check the new stories at our Hall of Shame page -- http://www.AKidsRight.Org/shame.htm. We get about 2-3 new stories a month and all of them help show how unpredictable the present system is. You will also read a lot of bitterness toward former spouses -- but don't believe everything you read. Please just consider how your former spouse might describe you? The critical element is facts. If we pulled 12 jurors off the street who didn't know either of you -- after hearing the evidence, would you be able to get a unanimous verdict that either of you are a serious threat to your children? If not -- how about EQUAL parenting? -- John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ========================== Please send a fax or make a phone call to the Senator's offices both in Washington and Syracuse. They are paying attention to what is going on here. The Senator is a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Children and Families. http://labor.senate.gov/committee_members.html#ChildrenFamiles You don't have to be a resident of New York to call her offices. Syracuse Local rep, Cathy Calhoun, tel: 315-448-0470, fax: 315-448-0476 Washington Scheduling Office, Lona Valmoro (Senior Advisor to the Senator), tel: 202-224-4451, fax: 202-228-0121 Most of all, you don't have to express anger. Just let her staff know that you care about Civil Rights protection for families and the Senator should meet with parent's groups regarding the need for National reform... Let them know being a parent is one of our GREATEST rights. It needs official recognition and protection. If you take the time to send a fax, try to send copies to the Judge and US Attorney (also email us a copy or tell us about your phone conversation). Let them know you care. Honorable Gustav J. DiBianco US Magistrate Judge RE: United States v. Murtari P.O. Box 7396 Syracuse, NY 13261-7396 US Attorney Glenn T. Suddaby RE: United States v. Murtari Hanley Federal Building, Room 900 100 S. Clinton Street Syracuse, NY 13261 ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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