[AKidsRight.Org] Family Law Reform events (New York & Colorado)
From: AKidsRight.Org Webmaster (webmaster@AKidsRight.org)
Good People and People of Faith, This message contains info on: 1. Argued before the US Second Circuit (Jan 6) - NY Custody Law Unconstitutional? 2. On trial for documenting CPS abuses (Jan 14) - Suzanne Shell (Colorado). 3. Effort continues with Senator Clinton (Jan 18) - Moms and Dads welcome! 1. Argued before the US Second Circuit (Jan 6) - NY Custody Law Unconstitutional? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harold reports that the session went well with few questions asked by the Judges. A decision is expected in 4-6 months. Harold is NOT a lawyer, but is self-taught and worked with others to bring his legal case forward. We like what he stands for (and hopefully it makes sense): "The constitutional challenge addresses the fundamental protected rights of suitable parents to the legal and physical custody of their minor children where both parents are similarly situated. Mr. Rosenberger asserts the State cannot arbitrarily designate one parent a custodial parent and the other parent a non-custodial parent where there is no finding of unfitness..." --- Harold L. Rosenberger <HLRosenberger@Hotmail.com> > The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit scheduled > oral argument on January 6^th , 2005 at the Thurgood Marshall United > States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, in a federal appeal, captioned, > Rosenberger v. Pataki, Case #04-0312-CV, pertaining to the dismissal > of a constitutional challenge to the State of New York child custody > laws. The federal suit was filed by Highland, New York resident > Harold L. Rosenberger, a divorced father of three children. > Mr. Rosenberger asserts that his lawsuit was erroneously dismissed > under a doctrine known as the Rooker-Feldman doctrine. This > frequently abused doctrine is utilized by federal trial courts to > dismiss cases where the subject matter originates in state courts, > concluding that the litigant is filing an improper appeal to the > federal court in what is actually a state court > case. Mr. Rosenberger challenged the State of New York�s statutory > language as it is written and challenged the procedures used by the > state domestic courts to determine custody designations that deny a > suitable parent�s federal liberty right to custody of their > children. This fundamental right is anchored in the Fourteenth > Amendment. > Mr. Rosenberger did not challenge his state court judgment, for he > merely challenged the procedures leading up to the deprivation of > his custodial rights as the procedures are written in New York > law. The constitutional challenge addresses the fundamental > protected rights of suitable parents to the legal and physical > custody of their minor children where both parents are similarly > situated. Mr. Rosenberger asserts the State cannot arbitrarily > designate one parent a custodial parent and the other parent a > non-custodial parent where there is no finding of unfitness by an > evidentiary standard of "clear and convincing" evidence. The "clear > and convincing" evidentiary standard is the conclusion of the United > States Supreme Court decision in _Santosky v. Kramer_, 455 U.S. 745 > (1972), a case which, coincidentally, originated in Ulster County, > New York, the same county in which Mr. Rosenberger resides. > Without such a finding, Mr. Rosenberger asserts that the State of > New York cannot substitute its judgment by arbitrarily depriving one > fit parent of their fundamental right to the care, custody, and > control of their children where both parents are suitable. And where > both parents are suitable under the law, the Fourteenth Amendment > requires that similarly situated parents must be treated similarly/, > i.e.,/ the equal protection of similarly situated individuals. Such > protection requires a rebuttable presumption, unless a legal finding > of unsuitability is made by "clear and convincing" evidence, of each > parent�s right to legal custody and equal physical custody of the > children at issue in a divorce situation. > The State of New York asserts that the child�s best interests is the > appropriate evidentiary standard to make arbitrary custody awards, > but this standard rests in state law, and Mr. Rosenberger asserts, > does not comport with federal law where an individual�s federal > right is implicated. Furthermore where both parents are suitable > parents, the "best interests of a child" are presumed to be > protected. The standard of "best interests" is legislated > discretionary language permitting the state domestic courts to make > a "best guess" custodial determination. The State of New York�s > "best interests" standard implicates parental rights of every > divorcing parent in the State of New York without adhering to the > due process protections and a mandatory evidentiary standard > afforded citizens under the Constitution of the United States. > "Fit and suitable parents are denied the custody of their minor > children by the New York Family Court system", says > Mr. Rosenberger. "As unbelievable as it may seem, the New York law > does not assume that either parent has a right to custody of their > minor children", says Rosenberger. Domestic Relations Law (I'(B240 > states: "In all cases there shall be no prima facie right to the > custody of the child in either parent." > "A constitutionally-compliant law properly places the burden on the > State to prove by �clear and convincing� evidence that one or both > parents are unfit and thus not entitled to custody", says > Rosenberger. > After being properly notified of the constitutional challenge to New > York�s child custody laws and refusing to voluntarily participate in > defending Mr. Rosenberger�s federal challenge, New York Attorney > General Elliot Spitzer�s office has subsequently sought to > participate in the proceedings as an /amicus curiae/ (Latin for > "friend of the court"). Pursuant to federal rules of procedure, an > /amicus curiae/ party can only appear in support of one of the > parties to the action. Where the sole defendant-appellant did not > file a brief in the appeal, Mr. Spitzer has requested special > consideration from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second > Circuit to participate in defense of Mr. Rosenberger�s > challenge. However, where Mr. Spitzer�s /amicus/ brief was submitted > well past the filing date, the federal appellate court must first > decide whether to permit the attorney general�s participation at > oral argument on January 6, 2005. 2. On trial for documenting CPS abuses (Jan 14th) - Suzanne Shell (Colorado) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Suzanne could certainly use words of encouragement as she struggles against a court action that could be used to 'silence' her activities in favor of parents who have unjustly lost their kids due to child abuse allegations. If you are in/near Colorado, don't hesitate to contact her -- I'm sure she would love to see you at her appearance! -- From Suzanne Shell <dsshell@ix.netcom.com> Director, American Family Advocacy Center Author: Profane Justice http://www.profane-justice.org It takes quite a stretch of the imagination to convert news gathering activities like filming and information gathering and publishing into a crime, but the state of Colorado is attempting to do just that to independent documentary producer, Suzanne Shell. Shell is being tried for contempt of court for engaging in the Unauthorized Practice of Law. The contempt citation alleges she drafted legal documents and gave legal advice. Shell denies the allegations, insisting that she was merely engaged in news gathering and filming for her documentary series. Shell is a nationally recognized leader in the Family Rights movement, a growing grassroots movement which emerged in response to out-of-control and abusive child protection practices. If she has been praised as a godsend by families fighting unconstitutional government intrusions in their lives, she has been a corresponding thorn in the side of various state and county governmental agencies since the publication of her first book in 1997 on the subject of parental rights. Shell has published three books on the issue, and maintains a website covering this subject (www.profanejustice.org). In addition to her books and articles, she conducts training seminars which focus on her mission, promoting and protecting the fundamental human right to family association. In an effort to bring this issue to a larger audience, she has also embarked on the production of a documentary video series covering all aspects of this issue. "My books and other publications have been carefully researched and documented," said Shell. "This means I must spend a lot of time talking to professionals as well as aggrieved family members across the country, reviewing agency and court records and attending court proceedings and legislative hearings." She is frequently seen with video camera in hand, documenting events on film. But this occupation is not without its hazards. "I've been assaulted multiple times for filming, brutally attacked by police for refusing to surrender my tape upon demand, attacked by a convicted child molestor who didn't want me filming him. This child molester then ran to the magistrate who was favoring him and who ordered security to escort me from the building. This magistrate was wrong, and the child molestor was convicted for his attack on me and my cameraman. I've been manhandled by security in the Colorado State Capitol for refusing to stop filming a public committee hearing after filming without incident or complaint for 1 hour and 40 minutes during the presentation of a bill and the few presentations of opposing testimony. They didn't want me to document the overwhelming testimony in favor of the bill. I've been threatened with kidnapping charges for retrieving 2 runaway foster children from Kansas City and returning them to the custody of Arapahoe County. I've been verbally abused by a judge who compared my work to 'Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney putting on a show to save Farmer Jones farm,' who then convienently 'lost' the tape so I couldn't get a transcript of his demeaning comments. Other judges in various jurisdictions have made abusive and defamatory comments about me on court record simply because I sat quietly in the gallery to observe the proceedings. I've been singled out for exclusion from public hearings without cause and have had to resort to seeking a sheriff deputy escort in courthouses to prevent physical attack or exclusion from courtrooms. I've been dragged into court and denied the right to defend myself. I've had illegal taps on my phones, and been subjected to noisy surveillance. They send spies to any event where I speak and make reports to state or county agencies about the content of my speech. This is a matter of record in my upcoming trial. They will stop at nothing to punish me for my peaceful, protected political activism because of my viewpoint which is in opposition to the governement on this issue." Shell asserts that this prosecution is just another in a long line of retalitory actions implemented against her in an effort to force her to withdraw from her activism. Shell has eight years of video documentation on this issue, including hundreds of hours of interviews with parents, foster children, judges, lawyers, legislators and others on the subject of child protection practices and problems. Shell is being tried for criminal contempt of the Colorado Supreme Court. She has been accused of practicing law. For filming. Fremont County was so opposed her knowing and disseminating anything about the cases they handle that the county attorney filed an Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL) complaint against her and managed to get a local court to order her not to have contact with one of the subjects of her documentary. The Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Regulation Counsel decided to proscute her for contempt, alleging she drafted legal documents and gave legal advice. "I've been documenting these cases for broadcast, nothing more," Shell said. "I had nothing to do with their legal pleadings. The fact that legal documents filed by individuals in their own cases were freely available on my website and other websites does not implicate me in UPL. That I may write legal pleadings for myself or for publication on my website is not UPL. There is still a first amendment in this country and anyone has the right to free speech, to publish or to petition the government without fear of punishment, retribution or retaliation. . . unless your name is Suzanne Shell." Shell is represented by attorney Paul Grant (303-771-1908). Readers may recall the Grant represented juror Laura Kriho when she was charged with contempt for her vote in the jury room. (see Jury on Trial at http://www.profane-justice.org/html/editorials.html). He won Kriho acquital on two counts at trial and on the third count on appeal. Grant has raised several consitutional issues, including his objection to this criminal contempt trial being conducted according the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. He does not believe the procedures being employed against Ms. Shell will pass constitutional muster and is already prepared to appeal any adverse decision. Shell's trial is scheduled for January 14, 2005 at 9 am. It will be held at the office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge at 600 17th Ave, Suite 510-S in Denver, Colorado. The public is welcome to attend this trial. Media wishing to attend are reminded that any requests for expanded media coverage must be submitted no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled trial time. Ms. Shell will not opposed any motion for expanded media coverage. Contact information: Attorney Paul Grant (303)771-1908 Suzanne Shell (719)749-2971 Presiding Disciplinary Judge William R. Lucero (for expanded media requests only - case number 04SA093 - (303) 866-6658) 3. Effort continues with Senator Clinton (Jan 18) - Moms and Dads welcome! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many of you are aware John Murtari <jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org> has been involved in an ongoing group effort to get a meeting between Senator Clinton and parents hurt by the 'system'. http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr He plans on resuming his efforts on Tuesday, Jan 18th (the day after Martin Luther King Day), and hopes to have other mothers and fathers with him at the Syracuse Federal Building. You are welcome to signup at the web site to participate. A meeting is planned at his offices in the morning before the event that afternoon (schedule at the site). ======================== Webmaster _____________________________________________________________ AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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