[AKidsRight.Org] Syracuse NonViolent Action (delayed) - do you plead guilty to a crime?
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@akidsright.org)
Good People & People of Faith: I just wanted to give a brief update to what is (not) happening at the Syracuse Federal Bldg. as efforts continue to get Senator Hillary R. Clinton to meet with parents. I also wanted to get your thoughts on NonViolent Actions and pleading guilty to a 'crime?' I won't take the time to recap past events. If you wish to give me some useful feedback and aren't familiar with events please review the BLOG at http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr and also recent list messages at: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/archive/archive2005 Recent Delay from March 31 to April 7 (maybe later) -------------------------------------------------- My planned activity to write "Dom I LOVE YOU - Senator Clinton Help Us" on the Federal Building wall with chalk will certainly provoke an arrest from building officials and jail time. I try to get my personal 'affairs' taken care of and worry most about my mother, whom I live with. Her health has been good, but a routine checkup last week called for more tests. I'm still waiting to hear test results for my Mom (88). Her Doctor wanted a hurry up sonogram done to measure a blockage he heard via stethoscope in one of her carotid arteries, it is called a "Carotid Bruit." She has been feeling well and I hope it will require no action, but he did say that if the blockage was large it would require some type of treatment (which sounds a little scary). Everytime I end up in jail, it is with some risk to her and I'm fortunate to have cousins in town that check on her and help with groceries while I'm 'tied up.' It is a risk she understands. I am her only child. Domenic is her only grandchild. Last week I was ready to go to the Federal Building and take a 'leap of Faith', accepting whatever the consequences might be ... that has been delayed and it is frustrating.... However, this could be a serious matter and she needs my help and support. Any of you can go to the Federal Building and write "I LOVE YOU" to your kids with love in your heart and show Senator Clinton how much you care about this issue -- ONLY I, can be a son to my mother. If any of you have had elderly parents with these carotid blockages, I sure would appreciate anything you can share about the experience, how any treatment went, etc...? If you are interest in seeing a picture of Mama, check http://www.AKidsRight.Org/grandma_dm.htm Thanks for your thoughts and prayers! If I can get some type of word today and things sound 'okay', I will be going to the Federal Building on Thursday at 2PM. Check the web site (above) for details. NonViolent Action and pleading guilty to a crime. ------------------------------------------------- In all my other events and activities I have been able to plead 'not guilty' when accused of a crime. I violated no laws. On a couple of occasions I have been found 'guilty' by a Federal Magistrate, but if I would have had the protection of Jury I am confident the verdict would have been 'not guilty.' When I have the chance to write "I LOVE YOU" on the side of the building with chalk -- I'll be doing something that even I think should not be normally 'allowed', or we would have graffitti all over the place. Is this justified? Do I plead guilty to a crime? We all have heard of Batman, Robin, the Hulk, and other Fathers-4-Justice campaigners. I don't think any of us feel it should be okay to climb a bridge and lower a banner, and laws that prohibit such conducts are probably okay -- but should they plead guilty at a trial? What does sound morality and Faith require? Before trying to give an answer, how about another question. During the 'slave' years in the United States, when slavery was actually recognized by our Constitution -- how would you have expected a slave to plea that tried to be 'free' and had run away with his family? Also, keep in mind we are talking about NonViolent Action, not the slave who first kills his master to be free (or the parent who takes their child and runs, denying the other parent contact). I guess it depends on how you define a crime and a criminal. Here is a definition I saw at dictionary.com (Isn't the internet great!). ==== Main Entry: crime Pronunciation: 'krIm Function: noun Etymology: Middle French, from Latin crimen fault, accusation, crime 1 : conduct that is prohibited and has a specific punishment (as incarceration or fine) prescribed by public law -- compare DELICT, TORT 2 : an offense against public law usually excluding a petty violation -- see also FELONY, MISDEMEANOR NOTE: Crimes in the common-law tradition were originally defined primarily by judicial decision. For the most part, common-law crimes are now codified. There is a general principle 'nullum crimen sine lege,' that there can be no crime without a law. A crime generally consists of both conduct, known as the actus reus, and a concurrent state of mind, known as the mens rea. Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster,Inc. ===== Also, please note I am not saying there should not be punishment imposed for the acts we may perform, or that we shouldn't be ready to accept jail time -- but just, should the person involved speed the judicial process by pleading guilty to the crime? NonViolent Action - what action for parents? -------------------------------------------- In the past people practicing NonViolent Action have been able to perform actions directly related to their 'right'. In India, followers of Gandhi just need to dry sea water and violate the British 'salt laws'. During segregation, a Black just had to sit in the front of the bus to violate the abhorrent law peacefully. What about parents? I think we are VERY wrong and foolish if we 'protest' the system by NOT paying child support for a child we can't see. We are foolish if we 'take' the child away and then the other parent can NOT see them. These things are not NonViolent Action. So what is a parent to do? I think the F-4-J folks have a great symbol, dress up in a public place and release a banner. I have tried carrying pictures of parents and children outside the offices of Senator Clinton in a Federal Building. Take some chalk and write "I LOVE YOU" on the ground, on a wall. NOT hurting anyone else, NOT causing any real damage, but to which any onlooker would be clear of your motivation... What about your 'state of mind'? ------------------------------- What about that 'mens rea'? Isn't one of the simple associations we can make about criminal behavior being selfish? That the act was also performed with knowledge and free will? If you were a Judge trying a runaway slave, or perhaps a Black man who violated a local statue and sat in the front of the bus -- do you expect them to plead 'guilty'? Here are some thoughts I had in a letter I had occasion to write back in 2004 and I welcome your FEEDBACK: =============== To: U.S. Magistrate Judge Gustav J. DiBianco: ... The tension of the recent weeks has caused me to do some soul searching. I hope all of us can try to find another path to resolution. I am not a criminal, but I find myself in the criminal justice system? You know criminals. People who commit acts whose goal is to selfishly benefit themselves or to harm others. The punishments of our criminal system are meant to remind these people of the consequences of their actions and to bring change of heart. They want to avoid punishment and the system "works." I am not a criminal. As someone involved in NonViolent Action (and in a very small way trying to follow the example set by Gandhi and Martin Luther King), I am demonstrating my willingness to sacrifice to convert the attitudes of the good people who surround me. I know you find it hard to understand this struggle for the rights of parents to nurture their own children (I did before it happened to me). Fifty years ago GOOD people found it hard to understand why black people wanted to sit in the front of the bus. Why did they want to drink out of the same water fountain as a white person? It had gone on for so many years. I wish we could find ourselves in a Southern Courtroom in Mississippi. ... you must have at times imagined yourselves back then. Called upon to prosecute and to judge a black man who violates a local ordinance (for the fifth time!) and continues to try and sit in the front of the bus (without anger or malice towards anyone). What type of response is required and who is "responsible?" ... The risk of jail would hurt, but the black man and his family would have also faced a visit from the Klan; the potential destruction of their home around them. One has to admire the faith they had to persevere! The man is not a criminal. He accepts the risk of punishment as part of a willingness to sacrifice and help those around him better see the indignity he is subject to. If we seek to "blame" him I believe we must also find he is not responsible alone for those actions. Indeed, all the members of the community also share in this responsibility by being asleep to the great injustice that was being done. In some sense they all share the burden of the pain he will be forced to endure? Without going into theology, this example helped me to understand part of the Passion of Jesus of Nazareth -- forced to the cross because of our collective inability to love others as we should. He bore the punishment for our indifference. Judge, please understand I have no illusions of grandeur! I am content if no one ever notices my activity. We remember King and Gandhi, but there were thousands of others who died in those causes and history has forgotten their names. That is fine with me, because like those many others, I do know my Son, Domenic, will remember what his father did because of his love for him. You show great concern over the time Federal Police require to respond to my actions. I'm sure I'm the least of their worries... People in pain will do hopeless acts. I know by the letters I get in jail and email that this effort has touched people hearts and hopefully changed their actions. A mother called me after my last jail sentence and told me her son had committed suicide from despair after a family Court proceeding. That he felt helpless to see the children he loved. If there is even ONE less police call out there -- I'm sure it would justify hundreds of these minor arrests. I hope you can perceive a difference between my effort to petition Senator Clinton, a good person -- and the efforts of "protesters" you have seen in your Court before? ... You know I try to be honest with you and always take the witness stand. I am not a criminal... My efforts to petition Senator Clinton will hopefully stop when we are able to arrange a meeting between her and parents and not before. Increasing jail sentences or additional orders should not modify my behavior. I am not a criminal. How can it be otherwise? I do not need a change of heart. I must also apologize for my failure in leadership and planning. If I could get more people involved we would certainly get a meeting with Senator Clinton and this would not be happening. I regret that deeply and it is my responsibility. I am trying the best I can. As always, I and my family appreciate the kindness and forbearance you and Mr. Southwick [the US Attorney] have extended in this difficult situation. Respectfully, John Murtari ========================= -- John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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