[AKidsRight.Org] Syracuse - writing on wall tolerated & Your FEEDBACK
From: John Murtari (jmurtari@AKidsRight.org)
Good People & People of Faith: 1. Events in Syracuse - No arrest for writing on Fed. Bldg. walls? 2. Web assistant needed for our site, AKidsRight.Org - Can you help? 3. Your FEEDBACK - on NonViolent Action 4. Your FEEDBACK - on approaching Senator Clinton for reform help. We have collected some excellent FEEDBACK that should help give a perspective to thoughts and ideas you may have. (modified) 1. Events in Syracuse - No arrest for writing on Fed. Bldg. walls? ------------------------------------------------------------------ For full details: http://www.AKidsRight.Org/actionc_syr NOTE: The sequence below is unusual in that John was not arrested at that moment. Obviously, officials still have the option of charging him on these activities at a later date. John went to the building on Web, Apr 13th, and was denied entry to 'petition Senator Clinton for reform'. He then walked around the side of the building and had just finished writing "Dom I Love You" with chalk when two Federal police officers approached him and took the chalk from him. One of the officers then frisked him for more chalk. They took a picture of the wall. He was then told he was free to go. He was not arrested. He then walked around another corner of the building and started writing again with chalk and got as far as, "Dom I Love You, Senator Clinton Help" when the two officers approached again, took his chalk, frisked him, took a picture, and then said he was free to go. John walked away from the building to pick up more chalk he had left on the street. John then returned and started writing the same message again on a wall near a walkway to the building. The two officers then returned and the sequence was repeated. At that point John left. He plans on returning according to the web site schedule above. At 2pm on Apr 14th, 15th, & 18th. Your presence and participation is welcome! 2. Web assistant needed for our site, AKidsRight.Org - Can you help? ------------------------------------------------------------------- As activity grows the group could really use the help of someone who can spend 2-4 hours a week to help update site content. We have had folks volunteer in the past, but then not follow through. The only real requirement (besides time), is a knowledge of how to layout simple web pages, such as we use at the site. You DO NOT have to be a professional at it, but you must have some experience with doing web sites (even a personal site is fine). We would like someone who has been a member of the group for a while and has a good knowledge of our goals and methods (which are all at the website). If you are interested, do not email. Please call John Murtari, Group Coordinator, directly at his office, toll free 877-635-1968, x-211. If he is not there, please leave a message and phone number and good time to call. You WILL get a return call. 3. Your FEEDBACK - NonViolent Action ------------------------------------- --- andrea brown <mlsw532000@yahoo.com> "Andrea understands!" > i noticed everyone bashing this guy but why not go and stand with > him? how can we ever get reform if nobody is willing to take > risks. if you look at history and the civil rights movement, > abolishment of slavery, women's rights and so on people sacrificed > for their cause. this brings me to again whine about folks in > Massachusetts. no one would even return an email about a protest > never mind actually go and do it.a few lawyers care and our doing > things like class action suits and such but as citizens we do > nothing.obviously writing our elected officials, standing up to > CPS having websites and chat rooms isn't enough. > i agree with this writer that the time is now. CPs and the judges > lawyers and GALs could care less about our kids or us or the > law. how then does one win in a corrupt system that cares nothing > for the laws of our great nation? legal advice is okay, support > is great but action is the only thing that will change things. > a large nationwide protest like the ones that come out against the > war is the only way to bring public awareness. nobody ever seeks > out websites until the dogs are at the door. the average unknowing > citizen doesn't know they are at risk of losing their kids.the > untold deaths in state care need to be outed, foster care > survivors and people who have worked in the system need to come > out and tell the world. even amnesty international wont touch this > one.more folks like the Christians will rot in jail for taking > desperate measures to save their kids from imminent abuse in the > hands of CPS unless something starts going now. billboards, bus > ads, commercials etc. > we need fund raising and most of all do not bash someone when you > are not willing to go the distance for the cause. i don't know this > guy personally but it seems he is grasping that the courts don't > care, the public doesn't care and our elected officials don't care > legal measure don't work a public outcry is all that is left and if > the cops want to fight back with violence so be it. besides i > remember when we were protesting nukes years ago, its a night in > jail for a misdemeanor not really that much of a sacrifice. Andrea I really want to thank you for your message and the words of support. You put it all together very well and it makes me feel good to see folks understanding the idea of what is going on and why we have to take public action. Thanks again for some very good thoughts and taking the time to write. --- Manfred <imageplusstudio.com> "Make sure people know why" > I know the pain of loosing children due to decisions made by a > judge. I agree with most of what you are saying. The question is, > if we are sacrificing ourselves we better make sure that the > general public knows the reason why! > My belief is that before I am going to get hanged I want to make > sure that the public knows what this hanging is for. If the public > knows what the system is doing and has been doing to our children > by "deprivation of relationship", they will support our efforts. > I believe people know that the justice system is not working for > families and children but it needs to be brought to the top of the > public agenda. Fathers in jail aren't going to be of much value to > their children! Who is going to listen to a father in Jail? > Here in Canada we need to change the "divorce act" and take away > the power of judges to decide what's best for kids. We need to > make equal parenting the norm, not the exception. Yes, I know what you mean about the 'public knowing' and that it will bring support. As you know, I like to draw comparisons to the great movements lead by Gandhi and King, using NonViolent Action (which is quite different from just being non violent -- http://www.AKidsRight.Org/civil_back.htm) Those movements had a strong element of Faith. To the answer 'who knows' when you make a personal sacrifice? I think of the thousands of Blacks who were probably beaten, or lost homes, family members, during the struggle for desegregation. We don't know their names, they didn't get any TV coverage. But 'they' know what the did, God knows what they did, and their individual families 'know' what they did. Should that be enough for us? That is within the grasp of any person to do, right now. To the thought "Fathers in jail aren't going to be of much value to their children..." -- who would ever have thought being nailed to a cross would have 'value' in a cause for social justice? The problem is, people don't 'listen' -- they want to 'see' first. The writing, and talk, and court action are great and are needed -- but sacrifice is also crucial. More than anything else, your willingness to sacrifice other 'things', shows me what you really value. That is also an element of power in the F-4-J campaign, you know these people are going to end up in jail - why? They must really believe in their cause (and they haven't hurt anyone else). It isn't for everyone, but we should encourage those who are willing to make the effort for us. --- "Diana Little" <oldgirl@baldwin-net.com> "30 years of pain" > God Bless you John, I've been doing a peaceful demonstration in this > system for 30 years, praying and crying, and I'm no closer than the > first day I asked for help after being raped in my foster home, and > foster cousin (a cop). The state covered it over, the men never > went to trial, let alone prison where they belong. I was hid away > in the juvenile home until I agreed that it was my fault that > everything happened to me. a little over two years it took to break > my soul to give in, without parental rights, or proper > representation in the detectives little lie detector room... When > the Government or the State systems want to do something their going > to do it, and we are just a speck of dirt under their shoes, that > provide their paychecks each week... > So I will say a prayer for you, that God will take the pain from > your heart, for all the wrong that this Governments state systems > are doing to everyone not just a few, but more everyday!!! But most > of all, I'll pray for a miracle for you!!!! Diana Sorry to hear about your story. People in the 'system' think they can do anything as long as they think it is right. We need to make sure people have the protection of a Jury when government wants to interfere and that there is no 'confidentiality' when someone complains about treatment. It is usually used to protect the system. --- Dan <dandan@dump.com> "You damage our cause" > This action is what I thought was going to damage our cause * John then went to a nearby wall and started to write "Dom I Love * You - Senator Clinton Help Us!" on the outside wall of the * building using chalk. He was told not to write anything and he * only finished the first few words before being arrested. He was * charged with "disobeying an officer" and "vandalizing gov't * property/graffiti". He was then released. At present John plans * on returning to the building Tuesday, April 12th. Your presence is * welcome! > Not bright, dude... The harm it's causing is it casts a general bad public > light on the father's rights movement in general. > As for what action should be taken, I've found the best thing to do is keep > my case active in the courts, and raise all the issues that other's are > afraid to while representing myself. When they're denied, take them right > to the court of appeals. I'm convinced eventually something from my case > will result in a published opinion that'll effect a positive change for > other parents in the future. > Other positive action would be getting involved in the federal NCP > lawsuits. Or letter writing to other representatives. You don't look like > you're trying to effect positive change anymore, at this point, you look > more like you're stalking Ms. Clinton. --- "Cecile" <gemni@sover.net> "Need to be a squeaky wheel" > John, I love you guy. I have been in your shoes and I did 1 -1/2 > years for it. It was not in the same way although I have done that > to. I feel this way. We will only get heard when we become a > squeaky wheel. When you feel as strongly about something as I did > when I was arrested (as many times as I have been arrested) you gota > believe in yourself and be able to accept the > consequences. Remember this, When you are in jail they take away > your voice. They silence you and people forget your name. > My family know that I must stand on principles and sometimes it > means they arrest me and I go to jail. They are not happy with me > but they do their part to help me fight for our rights. It has > made me stronger and I would die for my freedom if that is what I > have to do. > I would never plead guilty for anything that I am not guilty to. > If I wrote on their damn wall I would say I wrote on it. Is it > considered public property? Hang on to your faith, don't ever let > them destroy your spirit. > You will remain in my prayers, Cecile, from Vermont --- "STEVEN KEMP" <skemp04@verizon.net> "Name names" > I am with you; I have my own tail of venal sociopathic judges, > lawyers and mother. Have you published the names and addresses > together with personal information of the judges and persons who > have taken your child? > Interested in dissemination of Perpetrators harming children and > fathers. Sorry to hear about your experience in the 'system'. It really is a mess. No, I don't plan on publishing the names of those other people. I'm not sure it would be useful in getting public support. I think we have to demonstrate by our willingness to make personal sacrifice how much we love our kids -- and how great a RIGHT has been denied us (to raise our own children). --- "Roger Knight" <rogerwknight@hotmail.com> "Pour on the artillery" > We're in more agreement than we understand. Equal parenting is a > fundamental right, but what keeps us from getting it is the > divorce and support industry creating thousands of "professionals" > living off the money stolen from us and from the taxpayers. That > is why I consider cutting off the cash flow as a necessary, > however painful, step we need to take to get anywhere with this. > You might consider our enemies to be misguided brothers and > sisters, but I find that as hard to swallow, (at least in the case > of hard core feminazis and the cynical professionals) as it is for > Jews with numbers tattooed on their arms to consider the tattooers > to be merely misguided. People forget that when President Lincoln > made his speech about "malice toward none", he was never himself a > slave who suffered, and that he had already WON. > It is easy to be magnanimous in victory, AFTER the victory. Until > then, pour on the artillery! Yes, you are right about EQUAL parenting being a fundamental right. "but what keeps us from getting it"? I don't think it is the divorce industry pros? It is us. The people who succeed are those who are willing to sacrifice for what they believe in. The divorce 'pros' are just in it for the money. They are NOT going to sacrifice in a public action. We as parents should be willing to sacrifice -- but we don't have a lot of Faith it will matter? That is why we are not seeing real progress. Regarding whether our 'enemies' are misguided brother and sisters. I hear your thoughts, but I don't put a lot in stock in them. I don't think you do either? Jesus of Nazareth, the man (just like us), said that we were brothers & sisters, and was willing to climb a cross to backup those words. I gotta go with what he said, cause he really believed it and showed it. I hear you talking about artillery. Just tell me what you are willing to do right now? Not talk, or writing. What action are you going to take that backs up your words? St. Francis of Assisi once said, "Love is not unarmed, but also wields a sword!" What sword are you ready to swing? Please, take these challenges in a friendly way. I know you care and you love your kids. But we each need to challenge ourselves to act. We need to start thinking that way, or real reform is still a long, long way away. [ NO RESPONSE REC'VD YET] 4. Your FEEDBACK - On approaching Senator Clinton -------------------------------------------------- More legislative background and details at http://www.AKidsRight.Org/legislative.htm --- "Barbara C. Johnson" <barbaracjohnson@worldnet.att.net> > John Murtari is one of my heroes. He is peacefully demonstrating > weekly in Syracuse, N.Y. We should all write Hillary R. Clinton > to remind her that unless she meets with John, she can look > forward to demonstrations when she comes to anywhere in > Massachusetts to campaign for the Presidency. Anyone have her > email address handy> Thanks again for the kind words. I'm just doing the best I can and hoping it is enough! I certainly would appreciate positive message written to the Senator and letting her know she should meet with parents and hear first hand how messed up the system is. We have her fax numbers at the site, http://www.AKidsRight.ORg/actionc_syr --- w w <dadsareforever@yahoo.com> "Write Clinton is hiding!" > We all knew you would be arrested for writing on the building. If > I would switch from the sidewalk to the building, I would at least > write 'Clinton is hiding from the truth, children need their own > loving parents'. Could it be John you just want your son to know > that you would do anything for him? Santa Barbara,ca USA I am not there to insult Clinton, just to ask the Senator for help and also demonstrate I'm doing this for the love of my son. --- "Linda" <lindahigginbotham@hotmail.com> "She will outlast you" > While I would like you to know that I admire your love for your > son, I have to wonder what exactly is it that you are trying to > get at with all of these so called demonstrations. I have been > watching your website to see what it is you are trying to > accomplish once you have a meeting with Senator Clinton. Not once > have I seen your "agenda." Rather is seems that you are simply > seeking a meeting as if that will bring It seems to me that at > some point you might want to accept the fact that Ms. Clinton is > not going to meet with you so you can make all the statements you > want, she will outlast you and you will have been thwarted and > "sacrifice" all for naught. Why not instead start a proactive > campaign with candidates that you can identify with and who > support your issues. I think the goals are pretty clear at the site, but I will review to make sure. This type of feedback is valuable for that. Regarding Ms. Clinton, this is not a contest to 'outlast'? I know she is concerned about families; but unfortunately, she has not experienced the system first hand. Hopefully the effort will help her realize the tremendous pain many families are going through because we have failed to recognize and protect a basic human right. --- Donna <Valleygate1@aol.com> "You have to believe" > Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are > generally those who achieve something..Aldous Huxley > I have called Senator Hillary Clinton on your behalf. I have > spoken to her staff member, Calhoun. Since US Senator Clinton is > also part of the Veteran Affairs Committee, I will also ask US > Senator Clinton to assist a Committee Hearing so that we can speak > on why we need to separate the Veteran Services from the Counties > Health and Human Services. We need more who are willing to walk > the walk and not just talk the talk. Just getting on your computer > and vending does not get anyone anywhere, you must be willing to > get out there, like John and fight for what you believe in, you > must be willing to try and run for public office yourself in order > to give a voice, show up in mass in front of your own lawmakers or > in front of your own State Capitals, I know that alot of you have > already done this, but we need more who are willing to walk the > walk. > Donna, US Army/nurse --- "B. A. Townley" <Townley@cox.net> "Clinton a bad choice" > Do we, legally, have to obey anything an officer tells us? Even > if he can't tell us on what statue he bases the order? I am > really curious about this. And, John, while I believe every > citizen has a right to be heard by his elected officials, I wonder > why you have chosen Hilary Clinton. I know she is prominent but > she also seems opposed to the integrity of the family. Remember > her It Takes a Village.. book that she may or may not have > written. Have you considered that you might accomplish more if > you chose another official? Well, I guess if depends on how common sense it is and if you really think he has the authority at the time. You don't have to do it, but you may have to pay for it later. Regarding Senator Clinton, she is my Senator in Congress so a natural choice. A lot of people don't think she support equal rights to be a parent, but I have never heard her say that (and honestly, I don't think she would ever say that). The problem is, she just avoids the answering the question.... I did read her book, don't know if you did. Quite honestly, If I would have read it BEFORE I went through the hell of my divorce. I would have probably agreed with most of it! But once I saw how the system was it changed my tune! I knew people that had been through it, but just didn't realize how bad it was. A LOT of people are that way who have never been through it. Our peaceful actions can help them begin to see how bad the system is, just talking about it alone is probably not enough. (modified) -- John Murtari ____________________________________________________________________ Coordinator AKidsRight.Org jmurtari@AKidsRight.Org "A Kid's Right to BOTH parents" Toll Free (877) 635-1968(x-211) http://www.AKidsRight.Org/ ======================================= Newsletter mailing list Newsletter@kids-right.org subscribe/unsubscribe info below: http://kids-right.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter
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