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What happened during the Appeal.
The Court schedules time to hear Oral Arguments, and they are open to the public. The
session usually starts at 10AM and ends at around 12 noon. On the day I was there they
heard about 15 cases! First the attorney for the Appellant speaks, and then the
Respondent. The Judges were quite interested, and usually interrupted with questions, i.e.
they were familiar with the facts.
When called, I presented my brief argument below, and all the Judges appeared to be
quite attentive; however, only the Presiding Judge asked questions (which led me to
believe the other Judges had not yet really reviewed the briefs -- which was a
When I made my remarks about gender equalityone of the Judge Boehm did remark
that, "well, we usually try to maintain stability for the child, the home environment
and neighborhood..." (he obviously had not read the brief). I responded a bit later
by using the facts in my case, where I stayed in the marital home, nice neighborhood, and
big familyand asked why didnt that happen here
They made no direct remarks about what they thought. Probably the MOST SIGNIFICANT item
for me was that the Presiding Judge, Justice Pine, knew my wifes attorney had
lied about the Record of the Case in the briefs she had submitted (a real no-no in
appellate law). After I sat down, my wifes attorney got up and started to talk. The
presiding Judge asked her, "Counsel, did you represent items in your Brief which are
not supported in the Record"the response, "Yes, your honor". The
Judge, "Yes, thats what I thought from my review."
Judge told me they would make a careful review of the record before reaching a
OVERALL I walked out of there fairly confident there would be a
change in the status quo. I felt it was a good experience. I had been so used to
irrational orders, that it was a surprise to talk to people with "common sense"
and an objective attitude about things. When the Order cam in the mail, it was a real
shock. I then began to realize that probably only Judge Pine had some understanding
of the facts, and had decided it was best to just leave things alone (nevermind all the
procedural errors that had occurred).
-- there were interruptions during the presentation and a few
items were left out, but this should give you the "flavor" of the argument.
A. Pleased to be here . I want you to know that I feel both honored and very, very
fortunate to have the ability to address this Court.
1. JUSTICES - You know this case has an extensive record, including hard video evidence
which has allowed you to have a clear understanding of the issues and the people.
2. But for all this detail, in my brief prepared remarks - I want to focus on some of
the broader issues presented here.
B. JUDGES - This case should have settled, Domenic should have been able to enjoy
both of his parents and his home... What happened here?
C. In answer to that question, I want to share with you just three images drawn
from our strongest traditions.
II. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal;
that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights; that among these
are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
A. We know that the words "life & liberty" certainly have found
strong protections within our tradition - but what about happiness -
AND what purer and more genuine happiness can be found than in family, and in the
relationship between parent and child. What a joy to be able to hold your child and watch
them grow - What a joy to hug your parent, and know they are there for you.
B. Should we not give the strongest presumption that both parents should have equal
access to their child? Should we not require the highest standard of proof?
A. How easy should it be to separate a parent and child?
As easy as it seemed to the Law Guardian, who in a preliminary report recommended a
reduction in time to once a week and every other weekend? Even though personal
observations showed nothing wrong?
As easy as it was for Dr. Hoenig, an experience psychologist, to condemn a parent based
solely on information presented by their spouse (and who was later given a letter of
reprimand by her peers).
As easy as it was for the Plaintiff to appear to meet a burden of proof based on a
"preponderance of the evidence" - was this spouse really "cruel &
B. CONVERSELY, How hard should it be to keep a relationship with your parent child.
As hard as it was for Mr Murtari who didnt have the money for a lawyer to contest
custody - who had to struggle with law books, and to finally have recourse to this Court -
How many poor parents can be expected to do that ? How hard did he have to labor to show:
a) Extensive record of Community and charitable involvement.
b) A lively faith and participation in his Church.
c) Extended Family
d) A wonderful Neighborhood for Domenic to grow
e) Video Tapes.
f) Two Parent Involvement.
As hard as it was for little Domenic - who was torn from his home and parent (not
understanding why) - who has shed many tears AND as the RECORD shows -- to have to cry at
daycare when he wanted to go with daddy.
III. The second Image - Lady Justice - holding the scales on which
"facts" are balanced, and with eyes blindfolded. Paying respect to no person.
Justices, I submit to you this was a case in which Justice was not "blind",
that in the way this system has evolved:
Mr. Murtari was handicapped appearing "pro se". He understood that he
wouldnt be afforded special treatment, but he may not have gotten fair and equal
I ask you to just reverse the "sex" of the parties, it is difficult to
imagine a similar pattern of decisions. We dont use the "law of averages"
when determining If a person of a particular race is guilty of a crime - we should not use
averages in family law.
IV. FINAL IMAGE --- An old testament passage - "Make justice your
sacrifice and TRUST IN THE LORD." What does that mean - how can "Justice"
be a sacrifice.
A. It is when we realize our limits as people, and that our rules of evidence,
cross examination allows us to do the best we can. For some reason in family law, we like
to believe allegations because proof is hard to get - but unfortunately it just does not
work, and it encourages such allegations. It calls upon ALL the participants to be HONEST
in their abilities, and in their participation.
a) Dr. Black - wanted to hide those test results, didnt want to be recorded - is
this due the respect of "science". Defendant also claims she changed her report
under influence of the Law Guardian. But the Plaintiff was able to put her report into
evidence - without having to worry about cross examination.
b) Dr. Hoenig - was so happy to testify and give "official" credence to
hearsay - but would later accept a letter of reprimand from her peers.
c) Mr. Lupia --. Who represented little Domenic, the innocent. Somehow did not like Mr.
Murtari as a parent
but didnt have any real facts to base it on. The Briefs are clear about his
conduct - these were not honest mistakes, but clear distortions of the process and
a) Plaintiff - does the Respondents Brief do Justice to the System - or does it
indulge in fabrication.
THIS - because it works! --
A. ACCOUNTABILITY - Essential to any system - how very important is the Jury.
B. Overturn the entire Judgement
1. Restore TWO parents to Domenic with equal physical and legal custody. When there is
disagreement in different areas, assign a parent to act as "tie breaker".
2. Plaintiff wants to sell the home, has no interest in returning to the Neighborhood.
Allow Mr. Murtari and Dom to return to the Home so Domenic can get ready for school in the
3. Mr. Murtari has been financially destroyed by this action - is it possible after
fairly balancing the value of Mrs. Murtaris Master Degree, the many payments Mr.
Murtari made on the homes, and the property Mrs. Murtari removed from the Home - to simply
credit Mr. Murtari the equity necessary to own the home and have a basis for financial
stability - and to build a future.
4. To be detailed in the resulting order - so that there is no confusion about what the
court expects to happen.