Why Non-Violent Action is not ProtestingThis is something which requires some important clarification. For most people the classic image of a protester falls into one of two groups. 1) Marcher - Someone who does things by the "book", files for a permit, then carries a sign and walks around. The sign may express some degree of "contempt/support" for a group or idea. 2) Rioter - Someone who doesn't play by the rules, is willing to create some amount of chaos and/or violence against people or property to call attention to their cause. The entire approach of Kids-Right.Org is NonViolent Action based on a strong personal Faith. Being willing to impose suffering on yourself while showing love toward your opponent (with the Faith that your example of sacrifice will convert their way of thinking). The site contains a lot of info and historical examples: http://www.kids-right.org/civil.htm As you read this message consider this question, "What are you willing to SACRIFICE to reform the system?" If history is an example we must realize that until good people are willing to sacrifice for what they believe in -- not much is going to change. Many folks have contacted Kids-Right.Org and are willing to participate in an "action", and maybe even go to jail -- but would like some type of guarantee it will make TV or "work"; unfortunately, that would not make it a sacrifice! Here are a few items to consider by way of example. John Murtari has been conducting an action the last few months. In each of his attempts the authorities were more than happy to allow him to march outside the building -- but that was not really his point. There is not much personal sacrifice in that. He knew his attempts to carry a picture of his Son and walk inside both the County Court House and the Federal Building would be considered "illegal", BUT anyone would be able to see his intentions were not criminal or a threat to the peace. He was willing to be arrested/jailed and he was always polite and peaceful. For those of you skeptical of "conversions", what happened in the County Court House even surprised John. The "system" backed off and John was allowed to carry a sign inside. WHY????? The "system" is made up of mostly good people (just like the people reading this message). Initially the Sheriff Deputies and Court Officials just saw John as a "protester", as an "object" and treated him as such. His persistance and pleasant manner when being arrested/jailed caused them to reconsider. After a few arrests John was on "friendly" terms with police staff who grew to admire his method and could appreciate his "cause". Unfortunately, at present, there has been very limited media attention -- this is important for obvious reasons. When that attention does come and more people are aware of what is happening, reform will come quickly! |