Historic Meeting Inaugurates New Civil Rights Movement for Parents.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE John Murtari, coordinator for Kids-Right.Org, had organized the meeting as an outgrowth of his recent efforts to highlight the need for action by silent "walks" inside both the County Courthouse and the Federal Building. The other parents in the group also held leadership positions within local Parent's Rights organizations, one was a member of VOCAL (Victim's of Child Abuse Laws). The parents answered several concerns from the staff members:
When the meeting concluded they were told that advice would be sought from the Congressman's senior staff in Washington on how to proceed. As the group members left the building they discussed the continuing news of Elian Gonzalez (an unfortunate "poster child" for a movement that says the fix involves recognizing the basic Civil Rights of parents and children). "What is the "best interest of the child" - a hundred different people would argue a hundred different positions." It is not for the government to decide without much stronger protections. Kids-Right.Org would like to see Congressional hearings into Family Law Reform and passage of the Family Rights Act. The solution the group recommends to this would involve giving the parent/child relationship the same Constitutional protections offered most criminals -- the Jury. The web site highlights the philosophy and experience of both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, two great practitioners of Civil Disobedience, who practiced a style which showed respect and love for your opponent, while demonstrating your own belief through personal Non-Violent Action. ## END ## Background: For more information check the web site, http://www.kids-right.org/protest_dm.htm, or contact: webmaster@kids-right.org (there are video clips of the last protest available). Murtari's office can be reached at 315-635-1968,x-211 The Mother's Day 2000 site can be found at: http://www.mothersday2000.org/ A spokesperson for the Kids-Right.Org group, Mary Chancellor (Tennessee), can be reached at: 423-326-0585 The February Issue of the Yahoo Internet Life Magazine also had an article regarding the Kids-Right.Org web site. |