2404 Sourwood Drive
Phoenix, NY 13135
19 September, 1995
The Honorable Charles T. Major
v. Murtari Index
No: 95M705 RJI
No: 33-95-3267
Supreme Court Justice
Onondaga County Courthouse, Room 401
401 Montgomery Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Dear Judge Major:
After our conference on Tuesday you told me I could express any concerns I have after reviewing the proposed order. I want to thank you for your patience in explaining things to me and taking the time to hear me. With all respect, I left the Courthouse shaken at the prospect of going from a full time parent to a “visitor” in our Son’s life. Your honor, I strongly object to the paragraph in the proposed order which assigns temporary custody of our son to Adrianne, and also to the paragraph which assigns me “visitation” times. I had not expected such serious action to be taken based on the evidence presented; and, I wasn’t sure if I had expressed myself clearly.
I have attached two affadavits: the first of which puts me
on the record regarding any allegations of abuse concerning Adrianne. The second presents the facts regarding
custody of our child and who can best provide a home environment. This is supported by a series of attached
letters from both professionals and neighbors.
I have a large extended family in the area and we live in a wonderful
community for a child -- it is certainly not in our Son’s best interest to see
him uprooted, even for a few months. This
whole matter will come to trial in several months. Adrianne and I have lived
together for 8 years -- I would like to
avoid the havoc to our Son by a household shift now. I am open to anything I
can do to make our home environment more acceptable to Adrianne.
If there is to be a move I ask our Son not be affected until we have had a more formal hearing, or his Law Guardian has had a chance to make a recommendation. This should only take a few weeks. Your honor, I know this is irregular, but I ask this for our Son.
My phone: 315-695-4422.
CC: Ms. Maureen Walsh, Esq. Respectfully yours,
John Murtari