Your FeedBack: An Invitation to Action for Reform
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For a complete message archive see http://www.AKidsRight.Org/archive/archive2001 ALSO, we'd first like to take a moment to make you aware of one Nationwide event. ====================================================================== Contact: Patti Diroff ---- pattidiroff@worldnet.att.net http://members.tripod.com/epweek [Equal Parents Weeks - There is a real nationwide effort to organize home/group vigils for the night of Sept. 25 (at 8:30 PM). A LOT of work has gone into the planning. For full details please check the link above. The effort has a nice motto: "The Best Parent is Both Parents"] ======================================================================= Your feedback follows: ---- Joanne Rudman ---- aces4kids_jo@yahoo.com I support your actions and hope that you find someone who will join you in this venture! In Pittsburgh we are chipping away at the system by educating parents to make a change. We all work for the same goals.... ---- Michael Manthie ---- mtms@earthlink.net What happened Tuesday in NYC should wake you up to what is, is. All the talk is going to do nothing. Walking and protesting is not going to change a thing. You were in the Military, now uphold that oath you took. We are at war, recognize that and do what you swore an Oath to do. UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION. Not the political agents that say they have our best interests and that of our children at heart. Bullshit. ---- Jennifer Miller ---- mtrustno1@yahoo.com http://Clubs.Yahoo.com/Clubs/LawsToFightAgainstCPS [ This mother is planning an event in California. ] I would like to make a counter-offer as I stated in my phone conversation to you, but here in California. Please if you would, contact everyone here in California for me and give them my e-mail, MTrustno1@Yahoo.com, and name, Jennifer A. Miller, and ask them to put in the subject line - "NonViolent Action", so I can give a reading of their e-mails of higher importance. The only conflict I truely have is the date. I can not miss a visit with my children. Either the day after, October 16 Tuesday is okay or at the end of the week which would be Friday October 19 is acceptable. Please ask the people to contact me and we can set a date, time and place that is best for all that is willing to do this. The 16th and the 19th will be fine to advertise. What I would like to do is if people can make it both days or some on one and not the other and vice versa that would be splendid. Please advertise my e-mail and phone number: 916-338-1309 if you like. You have my permission. Also, that way we can all collectively figure out a time that all can go for each respective day. Thank you for help on this end. ---- WIREPALLADIN@aol.com This stuff is getting to be too much bullshit. Am interested in law and cases and decisions not all this fring and frill. And what makes you so eminently qualified to write all this hokum? [ We did contact this person to clarify some ideas, they don't feel quite the same now. We included it here, because it asks some good questions (definitely not sugar-coated!) If you are not sure what NonViolent Action is OR if you think it is just another "protest" like you've seen on TV in the past -- we encourage you to follow this link and look at a few REAL & recent examples, http://www.AKidsRight.Org/events.htm ] ---- Nanci ---- drew214@dcsi.net I'm not so sure that within the near future it is a good idea to push for the reform due to the attack on America. Unfortunately there is a priority right now for those who are dead or covered with concrete to hopefully get them out alive. The efforts of the reform for family rights will not look good in the eyes of any political official at the moment, in fact, it might look selfish although I understand the importance of the reform. I'm just giving you my own idea of what has now been tossed at our feet. I do feel this should be backed up until New York and the country and some what feel safe again, as it is far from being safe now, in fact it is still dangerous to consider flying or being in any government building. ---- Dr. Weinstein ---- DrMonty1@aol.com I support you and are behind you. I do family counselling and expert testimony on the issue of custodial disputes and parental alienation. ---- Kim Birger Ploug Heilberg ---- heilberg@online.no We plan to hold a gathering on Monday, 15th of Oct. on Route 66 in Oslo. Many regards from "Engaged fathers in southern Norway" We fight for the same case. "Equal parentship, common children." The discrimination and suppression of fathers is scaring here. Yours sincerely: Kim Birger Ploug Heilberg Doennestadveien 101 4658 Tveit Norway ---- Steve Osborne ---- ozzy_downeast@yahoo.com http://www.everyman.org/old-site/Everyman/steve/Steve11.htm [Steve is a Canadian and has not seen his children in several years. He has posted signs and held vigil outside government offices in Canada at a great deal of personal sacrifice.] I would be pleased to join you October 15th in Syracuse. Sounds great. I expect there will be some difficulty for me, as there is a border to cross, and in light of events of this past week it will likely be tricky to say the least. What's your thoughts on this-do we create an "international incident" by having a Canadian with you, or would it be best to avoid that considering the circumstances? ---- William L. Spence ---- wls@redshift.com I very much appreciate your commitment to your son, dedication to the issue on behalf of all children, and interest in action---but have doubts that limiting it to asking Congress to intantaneously overturn several hundred years of entrenched legal and social custom is a winning strategy .... I'm still trying to figure out how to encourage sustained dialogue on family law reform strategy: too often the discussion stops dead with the conclusion that the time isn't ripe, or there're even whiffs of acrimony despite strong agreement as to goals. In California I believe things have actually moved backwards: especially in terms of their being a vocal, organized, and respected movement for reform. I'm frustrated and perplexed by the resistance I meet in seeking to reverse this trend. An aspect of the situation is what I've called ``waiting for the silver bullet'': a phrase which has offended some people, but which to me describes a prevalent sentiment by which individuals eschew action that does not promise sudden and comprehensive reform---ignoring in my opinion the necessity of building reforms in a series of steps, and thereby delaying their eventuality by loosing time to inaction instead of preparing for the long-haul. The end of the Cold War shows indeed how events can overtake everyone's apprehension---but also vindicates those who worked assiduously, without much instant gratification, to lay the foundation that made the fall of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact possible. It also seems to me that those who commit to a specific approach would be interested in continued analysis of the obstacles necessary to overcome in pursuing it. ---- Del Parker ---- irishcoins2000@hotmail.com I held a similar event in front of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Seattle, Chirstmas eve, 1982. I hosted a prayer vigil for "parents who were without their children through acts of the State of Washington that Christmas". About 87 parents showed up, including 2 Eskimos. One couple, victims of CPS, erected a nativity scene. Almost 20 years later, the problem still needs to be solved. Good Luck. I would join you if I was in New York. I plan to be in NYC weekend of Oct 15, Friday and Saturday. ---- Doreen Berts ---- DBerts5555@aol.com I read your article and found it of most interest. My name is Doreen Berts, Executive Director/Advocate of Informing Our Children, Inc. Everyday I have the pleasure of working with families to empower them in order to regain custody of their children. In Cleveland I'm known as the family advocate based on my research I work closely with families in order for them to regain custody of their children. I learned the best way to fight a system is to learn that system and it's structure and become a part of the solution and not the problem. We can protest all day but until we take time to learn strategies it's just considered a protest. We have been able to help many children in returning home each year by removing the barriers. Our program can work anywhere and it can work for you. Feel free to e-mail me in working together we can make a difference. -----Llyod Gorling kalypso@glen-net.ca (http://www.glen-net.ca/ex-fathers Your discussion (in your message on "Roadmap to Reform ...") of the inherent right to be your child's parent was excellent. Has the day arrived when, after a child is born, someone at the hospital demands to see your last year's income tax return or three current pay stubs before permitting you to take the baby home? This was out of the question when my children were born. Yet this is what the family law courts do day in and day out. They want to know every detail of your earnings so they can make you financially responsible. And then they don't let you take your baby home! Clearly, your inherent right to parent your child, includes the inherent right to be left alone to do it your own way, without intrusions on your personal and financial affairs. I was interested in your concluding remarks in section 2, HOW DO WE CHANGE "ATTITUDES". You said: "The anger and name calling towards Judges, Lawyers, and former Spouses just has to end and for obvious reasons: 'It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honored by the humiliation of their fellow human beings.' (Mahatma Gandhi)" I'm not sure what to make of this. It is my custom to refer to the chivalrous pigs on the family-court benches. I have no hesitation in talking about the pimping judges, the lawyers who live off the flesh trade of our children, and the Black Widows who feel entitled to make a meal of a man. These descriptors are a means of identifying evil and putting it in a context that relates to people's understanding from other aspects of their lives. That is part of effective communicating. Perhaps this is what you refer to as "anger and name calling", I'm not sure. Certainly, I know that it's essential that we give fathers vocabulary so they can not just feel the injustice but can also express it. It's important we give the people the language which they need to see the problem, name the problem, and the sources of the problem. If we are going to stop them from doing that then what's the point? Jesus had no trouble identifying the problems in the church. He called the pharisees and the sagisees 'hypocrites' -- strong language. ---- ACSCA@aol.com The thing that you need to bear in mind is thus: For the next 30 to 90 days all elected officials in New York are going to be dealing primarily with the WTC and terrorist issues -- which includes the economy. It is estimated that it is going to take at least 6 weeks to clear the rubble away -- and of course, in the process, find body parts that need to be identified. For you to be protesting, or whatever, during this time will be viewed by many to be nothing more, and nothing less than insensitive and callous by those that you wish to do things for you. I can assure you that lobbiests around the country are now on a bit of a vacation -- except for those that are involved with these key issues. Think of IMAGE -- and this what you need in order to succeed with what you propose to do. During the next 30 days there are going to be numerous memorial services for those in the WTC -- as well as any that lose their lives in actions taken by the military. For you to be there holding a picture of your son expressing your dissatisfaction with the way the government has handled divorce issues -- it is not going to set well with people who are trying to deal with true and actual victims. At this time you PERCEIVE yourself to be a victim -- the government does not share that view. Do what you must -- but you could find that any doors you may have wished to have opened for you at some point in time can be permanently closed. ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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