Roadmap to Reform: Is now the appropriate time for public action?
From: Webmaster (webmaster@kids-right.org)
This is a message from a mailing list, members@kids-right.org http://www.kids-right.org/ To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members ====================================================================== Good People, We have gotten a few messages that we should delay public efforts calling for a National Family Rights Act. You saw some of them in our last Feedback message. Perhaps we are "too close" to the issue to make an objective decision. How about taking a look at the efforts in the 50's and 60's to overcome segregation -- spanning the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War. Back then we weren't doing anything as serious as separating African American families -- but many in the U.S. weren't going to allow Niggers to use the same bathroom, drink out of the same water fountain, or sit with them on a bus (Oh, sorry, we used the 'N' word there -- but that's what people called them back then, and for a good many folks and many good folks, both White and Black, the use of the word Nigger wouldn't even raise an eyebrow). Sort of the same way being an NCP (Non Custodial Parent), and having visitation with your children, doesn't raise many eyebrows now. [NOTE - we are going to continue to use the 'N' word here. In the year 2001 it just sounds so "wrong", such a symbol of denigration of human character (but not in 1950). For each and every one of you who were separated from your children without a strong presumption of equality, without representation by Counsel, and most of all, without protection of a Jury of your peers -- you have been treated just as badly.] What would you have told a Nigger back then? I imagine it would have depended on what they were going to do. * You gonna write your member of Congress -- thats okay. * You gonna riot and throw fire bombs and break windows -- probably not. * Demonstrating peace - okay. * Demonstrating violence - probably not. * You gonna peacefully sit in the White part of the bus until you get arrested, and then go quietly to jail -- just to show your rights are being violated -- well, okay. We know what Martin Luther King did and the judgement of history is that it was not a problem. Now, that is not to say that a lot of people back then didn't think it was a problem (or preferred it be seen as a problem) -- but in the long run we don't remember what they said. So .... if you see Family Law Reform as something that needs a little dose of violence (just to help public attention) -- then maybe you should stop. If you plan on protesting with a little hatred, e.g. have a parade, do a little name calling out in public -- maybe not. BUT -- if you are tired of being a modern day Nigger, and you have Faith, and you feel that just yelling and blaming others is NOT going to make you less of a Nigger -- then maybe you should continue in your efforts. If you feel that a positive affirmation of YOUR LOVE for YOUR CHILDREN should be all that it takes -- go right ahead! God knows the World could certainly use some example of that. What are we doing on October 15th? What are we asking you to join? It is certainly not a "protest". We are there to petition our Congressional Representatives. People who appear to feel safe in ignoring our requests to discuss the introduction of a Family Right Act. Now we disagree with them, and that is part of the political process (and disagreement doesn't mean hatred and is no excuse for name calling). When we go into that building on the 15th, it will be because we want to demonstrate OUR LOVE for OUR CHILDREN (and, by the way, we will let the building manager know we are coming, as we have in the past). We will do this by risking arrest as we carry pictures of our children in the halls. Why? Because we have elected officials who have continually refused to have meetings to discuss the need for reform. They are not helping us in the first stop of the process of "How a Bill Becomes A Law." Now, are some people going to say this is a time of National Crisis, and wouldn't you come back later -- probably. Are they right -- no. We certainly hope you weren't offended by the Nigger analogy. No analogy is perfect, but please use it as a tool to help you rethink attitudes. A war between mostly Whites, set the Niggers free, but it took about a hundred more years for them to stand up, and stand tall, and refuse to see themselves as Niggers -- and guess what. When they stopped seeing themselves as Niggers, we didn't see them that way either. To quote some cliches, "The world changes when we do", and "You must become the change you wish to see in the world." Now is the right time for a campaign to restore the rights of Family, the rights of parents to nurture our children. When the President talked about protecting our freedom and values -- I can think of nothing more valuable. As a former Military Officer, would I find people back home peacefully calling for protection of their Civil Rights -- a distraction from my mission overseas? Hardly, rather -- it is the VERY purpose of my mission. But one last, and very important point to all the people on this list who are NCPs (Non Custodial Parents, Visiting Parents, Parents that need monitoring). If you could get all your wishes granted in Court, would it require treating your former spouse as an NCP? How can we ever expect people watching our action to support our goals, when we still want to label the mother/father of our child an NCP? Take a little time, write to us, and tell us why -- after all you have been through -- the reasons you would (would not) be willing to share an equal relationship with the other parent. ================================================================== To unsubscribe from this list at anytime, send email to Majordomo@kids-right.org with the following 1 line in the BODY of the message (Subject is ignored). unsubscribe members
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