Conference & NonViolent Action PlanningFederal Building, Syracuse, NY - April 16, 2001 - Last update: 04/20/06 This page contains both planning and registration information for a peaceful action which will call for Congressional hearings into Civil Rights legislation to protect the parent/child relationship. In addition to this event, planned for the afternoon of Monday, April 16th, we are also planning a conference to discuss ideas associated with Federal Civil Rights protection. New - check here for most current info.
Draw favorable public and media attention to the need for Federal Civil Rights protection of the parent/child bond. Also provide an opportunity for many different Family Rights group to gather together for a shared goal. Our first step will be a call for Congressional Hearings into reform and development of a Family Rights Act. Specifically:
Our answer to the question, "Why are you doing this?" We are parents who LOVE our children and want to be restored to an equal relationship. We need Federal protection of our Civil Rights and want Congressional hearings into reform.
NonViolent Action focused on a U.S. Federal Building containing offices of Congressional representatives. A group of mothers and fathers, carrying pictures of their children, will peacefully petition their government by attempting to "walk" inside the building and potentially risk arrest. We will not be loud or angry, but just smile as we call attention to what we are willing to sacrifice for the love of our children. News releases will be sent out to both national and local media prior to and during this event. See this effort as an example that can be used by other parents as part of a "grass roots" effort across the nation. We can all share lessons learned.
Hanley Federal Building, Syracuse, New York. Planning date is the afternoon of Monday, April 16th, 2001. As part of his efforts John Murtari has already established the "right" to walk and carry a picture of his child inside the building. We will try to extend this to more people. We are there as parents to "petition our government" for change. Check here for a detailed planning schedule/agenda.
This is a chance to meet others who share your goals and concerns. We plan on having people from out of town stay at a common hotel where we will have meeting rooms available for both Sunday night and Monday morning. You may sign up to just attend, or to make a presentation to the group (you'll be able to give us some information on your topic below).
Parents can help in many ways with this action. Only people volunteering as "walkers" stand a risk of arrest. John Murtari will act as the leader of the Walkers, we hope to have an equal mix of mothers and fathers. Check here for our current list of attendees!
People considering the role of Walker, Supporter, or as a Spokesperson should closely review the NonViolent Action Checklist. Please get questions answered before participating. The Walkers will be making a big sacrifice, we will support them with a single voice: "We are parents who LOVE our children and want to be restored to an equal relationship. We need Federal protection of our Civil Rights and want Congressional hearings into reform."
For this effort we will NOT make issues of child support, judical conduct, or other professional conduct. These are valid issues in their own right, but are just not the focus or the message to be heard from this effort.
Please complete the following form to participate or ask questions. We will be posting more information and also links to other groups supporting similar goals.